Wednesday, 1 January 2014

In 2014...

It's that time of year again, time to make promises to ourselves that we don't remember two weeks later. I am one of those people who always writes resolutions, along with lists in my diary of all my favourite memories from the past year. I am going to try a different approach this year which will hopefully be easier to manage and stick to. 

Rather than a list of resolutions I am going to write myself some goals, and amend a few I wrote a while back. Although their clothing is overpriced and has gone downhill in quality over the past few years, I have found the Lululemon website a great resource for  goal setting

I won't bore you with all my goals for the next few years, but in the short-term I do have a few challenges for myself. 

1. Be Mindful
I want to be more mindful of every aspect of my life. Taking more time to consider what I am putting into my body and how I am taking care of it. I also want to apply this approach to my interactions with everyone from Jay to my co-workers, and to remember the importance of a kind word or smile. I want to consider the benefits and luxuries afforded to me, and find a way to give back.  

2. Take Pictures
Between us Jay and I own three "real" cameras, all of which still work and take great pictures. Yet, rather than pull them out to capture special moments we very often reach for the low quality cell phones in our pockets. I want to get back into taking photos with a quality camera and then taking the time to get the best ones printed off and added to our scrapbook. I want to be able to look back at years of quality photos, rather than blurry, grainy selfies! 

I mean, I know we're cute- but how many selfies does one person need? 
3. Remember The Little Details
I realized as we were relaxing watching TV last night, that I remember very few of the little moments over the past year. Sure big events like parties and trips stick out, but those late night phone calls, little jokes or surprise dates slip my mind. To ensure I remember more of the magic of 2014 I am going to start writing down those little memories and putting them in a jar to read on NYE 2015. It's an idea that's been floating around the internet for many years but it finally feels like it's time to start it up. 

4. Stay In Touch
When we first moved I was on Skype more often than not, and then as Ottawa has become a home base for us, we stopped making as considerable an effort to stay in touch. As a result I feel more out of touch than I'd like with some of our nearest and dearest. In 2014 I am going to make more time to skype, even just for a few minutes with the people we love. That's not a goal, but a promise- feel free to hold me to it! 

5. Save Money 
With a wedding on the horizon and hopefully house shopping looming in the not too distant future I am hopeful we can continue to save for the future. The challenge is making those tough choices between another dinner out or putting that $50 in the savings account. We're trying but sometimes it's tough. 

I have many more ideas of things I'd like to improve on, or start doing but these are my short-term focuses at least. I really just want 2014 to be the year I laugh often, connect more and savour the moment. Lots of big stuff is happening and I want to remember and enjoy it all. 

Do you have any goals or resolutions? Do you think I'll be able to make these happen? 

Keep Smiling :) 

oh and HAPPY 2014!


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