Friday, 7 February 2014

Friday! Friday! Friday!

I am so glad to see this beautiful day roll around! February has proven to be easier than January, but barely! I am ready for a weekend of relaxing, watching the final two seasons of Boy Meets World and hopefully some snowshoeing!

Before any of that fun can happen, we've got to make it until 5:30pm tonight, which at this moment feels like quite the challenge. But, anyway you slice it, in about 10 hours it is sweet, glorious, weekend!

Unrelated, I'm watching Titanic II on Netflix. We are still reading about the Titanic daily at work and I've been watching documentaries about it in the mornings before work- but today for some unknown reason I decided it was time to watch Titanic II. Don't do it, drop the remote and smash it to bits before pressing play! It is absolutely five hundred times worse than you are imagining right now.

This lovely song from Passenger is helping me keep my sanity at least! I'm using this Friday as an excuse to link up with Whitney at I Wore Yoga Pants To Work. Her posts always make me laugh! Hopefully this beautiful song can erase the memory of Titanic II from my mind if I listen to it enough. 

Have a fabulous Friday and remember 10 hours (or less if you're lucky) until sweet glorious weekend! 

If you want to share your own Friday jams, click and jump over to Whitney's blog!

Keep Smiling :)


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Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo