Beginning January 1, 2016 I am going to share a new letter for every day of 2016 right here! That’s 366 letters (check your calendar, 2016 is a leap year)!
Why? Well, to start I've got to give credit to @KidPresident as he suggests exactly this in his Guide To Being Awesome. Mostly though, I love writing letters and cards and probably send over 100 every year already, so I thought what's another 266 to write?
The goal of this project is to share a little happiness and to celebrate the joy that is getting mail. When sorting through the pile of bills and junk mail seeing a hand written card always brings a smile to my face.
I have been writing letters since I was in elementary school and have been lucky to have some phenomenal penpals along the way! Of course when I was in elementary school I had to dial up the internet so letters were still pretty common. Even today with an inbox on my phone I can’t shake the love of letter writing, I’ve even been known to send letters to friends living a few streets away. All this to say, I like to ramble and love to write.
If you feel so inclined, please get in touch to get yourself on my letter list of love (weird name?) or start writing your own letters, even just for a day!
There are still lots of ideas to process before launching my project on January 1 so that’s all the details I have for now- but I promise more are coming! ...and letters, lots and lots of letters!!
With Love,
Twitter: @kimsquests
Insta: @kimberleysquests
Love this idea!! I think everyone could use a few more letters in their life.