Sunday, 15 September 2013

Living A Life Filled With Smiles

Life is busy. Life is hectic. Life is exhausting. Life is fun. Life is amazing. 

I had a fantastic week, things are starting to settle down at work and in life which is leaving me more time to enjoy life. 

With the kiddos this week we made a shape book where they used different shapes to make pictures and came up with a story to go with it. We also did some gummy bear science experimenting, seeing what happens when you put gummy bears in cold and hot water -they loved it! Perhaps the most exciting part for me was the discovery that they really want to learn about the Titanic! When I was in elementary school I was absolutely fascinated by all things Titanic, and they appear to have a similar fascination. I have brought in a bunch of books from the library and already their art and free play is showing what they've learned or interpreted. 

In grown-up life news, I had coffee with a friend from school last week. It's always nice to meet and catch up with old friends. I also finally received a long awaited (ok, it was two weeks) box of boots ordered on the internet, they are the definition of super fly. 

A late edition from last week, enjoying some champy in a mason jar. 
Jay had a good week at work, he got to have lunch with some of his bros which he enjoyed. He also has had a few frisbee practices in preparation for the fall season. I'm going to make a sign to cheer them on next week. 

Some shots from our street festival adventures. 
Yesterday the three of us (Nicole, Jay & me), spent the day at street festival in the area. Lots of free food, lemonade and music. It turned out to be a reasonably warm day, which was good because we walked, a lot. After a brief rest we then headed to IKEA which was also fantastic. We spent two hours adventuring around the store, trying out furniture we will probably never buy and eating fro-yo. 

Today we went to Costco, baked bread and brownies, made mashed potatoes and meatballs and Nicole and I went on a coffee date. It was a busy, relaxing Sunday. 
Ok, enough chatter. I have been snap happy this week, so lots of pictures for your viewing pleasure. 

A few of the Titanic books I've been sharing with the kiddos.
Jay carrying my box of boots! It was huge!
Free Pizza at the street festival!
How amazeballs is this?!?!
It's like I think I'm a fashion model- Check out the boots! 
Love this girl. Check, check, check out her blog here.
Chocolate cake balls, $1 for charity!
I will own one of these Poang chairs from IKEA (this colour). I dream of them. 
Trying out a new look at Chapters.
Keep Smiling :) 


  1. Hello!
    Just wanted to stop by and thank for the sweet comment on my weekend post! I'm glad the weather was nice for your festival. I love a good outdoor day.
    I also wanted to let you know that you're a no-reply blogger. [the horror] Just kidding. I've been reading where Google+ has been making people no-reply without them even knowing it. Just wanted to let you know!
    Have a great Monday!

    1. Thanks for letting me know, I think I fixed the no-reply problem! Glad you stopped by!

  2. Hey Kim, I'm a new follower from the GFC hop. So loooove the boots!

    I'd love it if you can follow me back :)


  3. Stopping by from GFC! Looks like a fun weekend...and hooray for new boots and trips to Ikea! Have a great week.

  4. Thanks for visiting! Ikea is the best- especially $1 fro-yo!


Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo