Monday, 23 September 2013

Skirtember Version 2

So, as I mentioned last week Kristin's Knook and Scattered Seashells are hosting a link-up for the month of September, challenging us to wear skirts as much as possible. 

The weather was all over the place last week. It was freezing cold Monday/Tuesday and then it warmed up, so by Friday it was like summer again. My skirt wearing suffered as I didn't want to freeze!

One other note, I realize looking at these pictures it looks like I essentially wore the same outfit twice in the last week, but I swear they are entirely different pieces of clothing! I had to cut my face out of the centre picture, because pre-straightening my hair was a horrible mess!

Left ~ Sweater/T-Shirt:Wal-Mart //Skirt: Old Navy//Tights: Garage
Centre ~ T-Shirt: Old Navy //Skirt: Wal-Mart
Right ~ Dress: Wal-Mart//Tank Top: Old Navy//Sweater: Gap//Tights: Garage//Boots: GoJane
Keep Smiling :)


  1. I am not very good at wearing skirts in cold weather, because I prioritize staying warm! So September is a good time for me to wear skirts because it's not yet too chilly in MI! After this month, I probably won't wear them at all.

  2. Super cute! I love strips. Thanks for joining us!


Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo