Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Long Time Gone

What happened? I was blogging every day and then, crash. Nothing for two weeks, sometimes I am just so happy with life that this blog doesn't seem capable of conveying all the happiness. Seriously. 

How can a few pictures and silly captions convey just how good of a week we've had. It sometimes just doesn't feel like enough, and then I get frustrated and abandon the process altogether. 

Ok, so onward with the amazing parts of life lately. 

Valentine's Day & the whole weekend following was wonderful. We celebrated with some lovely friends at a beautiful Winter wedding. My dress made me feel just like Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl, I'd wear it every day if I could. Jay and I also celebrated my favourite day of the year with pancakes, with strawberries and whipped cream and of course, discount candy! 

I had to borrow the picture of the wine from Facebook, I was too busy enjoying
 it to remember to take a picture of the gorgeous labels! 

I made Jay a rainbow of all the reasons I love him, with my kids at school. 
Theirs were way cuter, they painted and included reasons they love their 
parents like "Because they are the bad guy when we play Lego." 

Otherwise I haven't taken too many photos, but we did spend our long weekend accomplishing so much for the wedding. This has become a massive labour of love and I am getting so excited to see this all come together, in just a couple of months! It's so hard not to share photos because it all looks awesome (clearly I'm feeling modest), but I want it to be a surprise. 

I've FINALLY got my groove back at work, I'm feeling inspired and I can feel the difference my attitude is making with the kids. I am still trying to find my voice as a teacher, taking a bit from all of past experiences and education. After a really rough first 6 weeks of 2014 though, I'm feeling like it's all starting to fall back into place. I've also got a student working with me until June, which I think helped motivate me to put my best work out there. 

We also had a fantastic trip to Ikea, saw the ever lovely David Myles in concert (where we rain into an East Coast friend!) and had a delicious date at LoneStar. This past weekend we went to see The Lego Movie. It's no secret Jay likes Lego, and teaching kindergarten I like knowing what the kids are talking about. I did fall asleep briefly, but it was a pretty cute movie- Jay thought it was great. The best part really was the song though, I've been singing it ever since. 

Ok, I'm about to be late for the job that I just professed my love for. So, off to work I go! 

Keep Smiling :) 


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Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo