Sunday 22 June 2014

A Day In My Life

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I am too much of a panicky, scaredy cat to share my schedule with you in realtime. I've clearly seen a few two many episodes of Criminal Minds. Still, I wanted to share a few tidbits from my work week, in case anyone is really wondering what it is like to be me. 

You should know, it's awesome. 

Haha. I joke, it's pretty much just regular. Also, there are few photos because most of my day involves other peoples kiddos and sharing photos is not ok. 

I get up early with Jay, and then blog or nap until I need to get ready for work. Sometimes, I do the dishes and on rare days I actually sweep or clean up the apartment. Usually though I watch a movie on Netflix, play on the computer and then rush out the door 20 minutes later than intended to, even though I've been up for 5 hours or something ridiculous. 

Work. I love my job. Teaching Kindergarten is definitely something I was made to do (at least at this point in my life)! I have some prep time before the kids arrive and then the chaos begins! 

We eat lunch together, sometimes talking about interesting things like the Titanic, women's rights, scientists or weekend adventures but more than likely we're talking about farts, making fart noises or laughing at someone else's. Or barf, sometimes we talk about barf. Needless to say I have become pretty much immune to being grossed out at the table. 

For good measure, sometimes someone loses a tooth at the table. So that's both exciting and a little gross. 

Shortly after, we have some group time, where basically the ridiculous ensues but we also talk about cool stuff like space and the Titanic in a more controlled manner. Oh, and we vote on a daily question thought up by the kids. 9/10 times it's about Star Wars/Clone Wars or some other kind of war- or about Ninja Turtles. I am always the odd vote out, but it's fun. 

Then we do art. This is the time of day when we destroy our borrowed classroom, leaving paper scraps, glitter, paint and uncapped markers and glue in our wake. No other class seems to be quite so destructive during art time, but my kids really go all out. The mess leads to great creativity though, so many wonderful projects are completed during this time. 

Usually then I try and sneak out to get my break, which is never the full amount because I actually like my kids as much as they like me. We don't like to be apart for long, so I usually stay in the classroom to be entertained by their stories. 

We have some outdoor playtime,  where I of course get involved. Sometimes I sing songs from Frozen with one of the girls in my class, I just make up my own words, she gets annoyed but makes me keep going, we laugh. Other times I pretend to be a ninja, superhero or baby reindeer. Did I mention I love my job?!? 

Then we have a snack, do some dishes and have more free play. Sometimes that includes Red Light, Green Light in the gym and other times it's reading every book of the shelf to a table of antsy kids ready to go home. 

My days are long and busy, but I love it. I often stay later than I'm supposed to because I am chatting with the kids or their funny parents. 

Over the course of the day I say things like "pull your pants up," "don't touch that" "take that out of your mouth" or "who peed on the floor?" more often than I'd like to admit. Back in September, I thought I knew everything about Kindergarten but I have quickly realized there is always something new to learn. 

After work, Jay & I have dinner (he usually cooks!) and then we watch some Netflix, go for a walk, make our lunch and get ready for another day. 

Have you shared a day in your life recently? If you have leave the link and I'll check it out! 

I'm linking up with Brittany & Rachel for their A Day In The Life link-up! 

Keep Smiling :) 


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Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo