Monday 23 June 2014

Let's Be Friends


I've been thinking quite a bit about ways to expand my blog, but also ways to share a little love with the other wonderful humans in blogland. I'm not really in the loop of the blog awards, and I'll be honest I haven't got a freakin' clue how to make a blog button to link up in sidebars or how to post your blog button in my side bar. 

So that's not what this is about. 

I would love to have a few voices other than my own heard around this here blog, so I have a couple of ideas to help share the love with you awesome bloggers. Hopefully this will be mutually beneficial and we'll all get a few more blog friends, because really who can't use more friends?!?!

Idea 1: Guest Blogs. 
Pretty self explanatory, but if you're interested in writing a guest blog for me I will absolutely publish it. Can be about anything you like as I really write about all kinds of silly things on the regular. It can be full of pictures or be a picture-free zone, whatever floats your boat. There is no specific genre I'm looking for, so if you want to share recipes/crafts/fashion whatever I'm down. There will of course be a link back to your blog. 

Idea 2: Blogger Spotlight
Instead of you writing a regular post we let you shine (bright, like a diamond). It can be a Q&A post with you answering random questions, a list of your favourite posts, your fashion advice, your favourite things, photos, a day in your life or anything that shares a piece of your blog. It will be a post all about you and your awesomeness with a link back to your blog. 

There won't be a specific day for these posts, we can chat about it and decide when the best day to post is for both of us! 

There is no quid pro quo, you don't have to blog about me, link back to me or have me guest post on your blog. There is no $10 charge to have your name in lights on my blog, it's all free. No strings attached. 

Of course if you want to link back or have me post for you someday that's fabulous, but it's not about that. I just want to shine a little light on all the awesomeness happening in the blog world! 

If you contact me about either option, you are giving me permission to share your post and blog information with the internet. If you change your mind the post can be removed. 

Disclaimer: Obviously, as the owner of this here slice of internet I can say hell to the no if you want me to share something mean, offensive or otherwise unpleasant. I'm not going to censor opinions but if you're being a meanie I'm not going to support your quest for world domination. 

If you're interested leave a comment, or send me an email (yes, I'm using our wedding email for the time being, I can't manage a third gmail account, but I'll be the only one checking I promise)! 
kimandjason2014 [at]  

Keep Smiling :)

Linking up with Molly for Funday Monday, Meg for Mingle Monday and Carylee & On The Daily Express for Manic Monday


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Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo