Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Letters 62 & 63

These letters went to the proprietors and staff of a Halifax institution, Freak Lunchbox.

It's been one of my favourite places in Halifax since high school, a candy store/novelty shop with the most amazing art on display. As a candy addict it is a necessary stop every time I find myself wandering on Barrington Street. 

The fact that they're a small business that's been holding their own for 15 years is delightful- especially amidst a landscape of businesses that struggled due to high rent and red tape downtown. Since opening their first store they've expanded to several locations across the country yet the experience has not changed.

I'm a big believer in buying local so I love seeing businesses like this thrive. The customer service in store is always spectacular too- making it that much easier to buy local! 

With Love, 



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Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo