Thursday, 8 September 2011

We Have Furniture! (Finally!)

Greetings from the apartment we can now live in all the time, no more hotels for us for a while! YAY! This may be my favorite day in Ottawa yet! Woo! Woo! Woo! Haha, that is how excited I am!

One thing about the hotels though is that they allowed us to really experience what we weren't missing by living outside downtown Ottawa. We were duped by a very convincing panhandler, with a beautiful story and all the right answers, we tried to be nice and share with him so he could take the bus to Montreal and a week later he is still there, telling the same story. Tricky tricky!

The best part was while having dinner at a pub just off Rideau Street we saw a man with a miniature horse just strolling around outside the patio. When I asked the waitress she was not impressed apparently he is there all the time and sometimes he brings a second horse and lets them pull him around in a rickshaw! What a life?!?! He was committed even wearing a cowboy hat.. Seriously though where does he keep his mini horses? I couldn't stealthily take a picture sadly so you will just have to imagine a grown man with a mini horse in downtown Ottawa! Until I found out they had to pull him around it was mostly adorable.

When we did make it back to the apartment my arch-nemisis Rupert the Evil Squirrel is always waiting on the fence by my side of the car. We stare each other down until alas the daggers I shoot from my eyes scare him away.  He is one of the creepy extremely long tailed Ontario squirrels and I am sure he is out to get me. If you don't believe me take a look at this menacing pose.

Half our stuff is already in, we totes need a storage locker, I gave away all my random stuff in Nova Scotia, Jason didn't. The movers laugh every time I suggest something should be sold, but some things should be! Life is about sacrifice Jason! Or storage lockers!

We ate at the cowboy restaurant again, this time our waitress didn't tell us her name but the reciept named her as "Outlaw." No wonder she didn't tell us, we sat outside, it was cold and there were still hornets.. But we got an extra helping of chips and salsa! WHOO!! I love it! Seriously I could eat there 3 meals a day and would have if Jason said yes, he is kind of a food snob! I mean I'm undeniably a picky eater (how could I not be and have a "no liquid food" policy for the first 22 years of my life, thank goodness youthnet helped break me of that- but beans [even in chilli!] are still a no-go) but Jason just takes it so seriously.

I just let him pick the restaurants because I would eat at the same place every day and even the same food, haha. Except this week I decided to be adventurous, once I ordered a veggie burger, it had chickpeas and all sorts of weird stuff in it I pretended to like it since Jason didn't believe I did but it was not my cup of tea that is for sure! And then I ordered mac & cheese and salad instead of buffalo chicken and sweet potato fries and it was also not my most favorites. I am straight up addicted to sweet potato fries now, I didn't used to like them but I've almost eaten them every day for a whole week now. They are seriously delish and count as a vegetable!

Anyway I must go look productive now, don't want the movers to think I am an entitled snob (although I wish I was they always get their own TV shows!)

Keep Smiling :)


  1. Happy to hear you have your furniture and when it comes to restaurants, nice to know you are open to trying new things. I have to admit though, I wouldn't try a veggie burger if my life depended on it.
    Good idea selling Jason's stuff. You keep the money, that is how it works.

  2. PS don't let Wendy see the squirrel, you know how she reacts to squirrels....

  3. Haha, I wish she was here to deal with it, he is EVIL!

  4. pictures when everything is set up!! woooo yeaaaa
    love holly


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