Monday, 19 December 2011

May The Best of Your Todays Be The Worst of Your Tomorrows

I'm feeling rather pensive today, I'm not quite sure what brought it on.. but it's a nice change from my usual state of perma-stressed. Below are my thoughts, hopefully this is less boring than a re-run of your least favorite TV show.

As was to be expected, I'm still adjusting to the many changes that have happened over the past few months. If nothing else 2011 has been a year of big changes in my little corner of the world. I think I spent the first month or so here in mostly denial, happy denial but denial. I love living with Jason which made the transition easier for sure. I say I think I was in denial because for the first few weeks it didn't quite seem real that we were staying here, but after four months I can say it's real. We live here.

The lesson I've learned from this move is like the lesson I learn so often, but seem to forget equally as often: change is good and more importantly so is challenging yourself. I actually love O-Town, I think we live in a fascinating area, and it's nice to be somewhere new (although it's also stressful and disorienting the majority of the time).

I want to thank everyone who had my back over the past 12 months. I am so grateful for my friends and family, especially this time of year. It's comforting to know that despite the fact I moved away from so many of you, we are able to stay in touch (although not always as often as we'd like- I'm bad at skype dates and behind on my letter writing! I'm sorry!).

I promise to try harder in 2012 to stay in touch, and to visit more often! It was never our intention to stay here for 4 months straight, we just fell behind on the Thanksgiving plans. But my goal for next year is to make it home much more frequently and with more time to see everyone. 

Something else I've been thinking about today is how ridiculous it is that I let myself stress so much over things that really aren't a big deal. Without going into great detail let me just say (and Jason will confirm this), I spent the whole weekend stressing about stuff that as it turns out today, was a non-issue. I had gotten control over my crazy stressing for a few weeks there but now that I'm settling in here in O-Town I think I am reverting to my old ways. It's horrible! I think I need to go back to doing yoga in the new year I was doing it about three days a week for a while, but that was about two months ago.  

I hope holiday preparations are going well, no matter what you are celebrating this year! I was totally on-top of everything about five weeks ago, and now I have lost all interest and motivation. It's not a good scene. Luckily I am about a 10 minutes away from finishing up shopping, just waiting to get back to my homeland, but the wrapping and everything is just about done! I am most excited to (help) cook the turkey for my third year in a row! It's a special new Christmas tradition that I expect will be much less exciting in about 30 years, but for now I am pumped! 

I apologize for the lack of photos, videos, vlogs and all around multi-media entertainment tonight. What can I say, I have a lot of words, and apparently a lack of photographic evidence! Don't worry I still look the same :) 

I've also abandoned my book reviews, but I do have a recommendation. I spent the last six months debating reading The Help and let me just say this: if you've been considering it read it now! It was amazing, I absolutely loved it and highly recommend it!

P.S. If you made it to the end of this I have a funny story for you. Today at work, I managed to legitimately smash myself in the eye socket with my phone. No lie. The phone rang as it does many times a day, I went to answer it, as I also do several times a day, and smash! The worst part: I couldn't even react because I was answering it so I had to sit there half wanting to cry, half wanting to laugh and be serious with a customer. It was ridiculous. You are welcome!

Keep Smiling :) 


  1. Not long to go now Kiddo !!! I can't wait. I am leaving for the airport now. Wendy is going with me.


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