Sunday 22 July 2012

Vacation Love

So, I've been MIA from the blogosphere the past few days. It's been a hectic few days trying to get ready for my big trip home. This week just snowballed (funny to say since it's been nothing but sunshine for weeks!) 

I spent far too long negotiating with a suitcase, trying to fit three weeks worth of clothes in two small bags. Jay and I spent a morning watching the Changing of the Guard at Parliament Hill. Lots of pomp and circumstance there. I also got the chance to catch up with a friend from work, which was wonderful. 

Best of all, I am writing this from the beloved cottage I spoke so much about earlier this week. It is a beautiful sunny day (with the breeze Ottawa lacks).  My parents picked me up at the airport and we headed straight here, I couldn't be happier! We spent the afternoon out on the lake, drinking homemade Iced Cappuccinos, washing blinds and putting together a BBQ. All in all an outstanding start to my visit home. 

I've also been nominated (twice!) for the Liebster Award for bloggers with under 200 followers. Friday morning I found out Emily over at Celebrating The Day nominated me for the award and then I found out tonight that Jessie at Young Georgia Love also nominated me for the award. 

What is the Liebster Award you might ask? Emily has a great description over on her blog, but the gist of it is that: "The Liebster Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers." 

I certainly have less than 200 followers (though the number of followers I have has doubled in a week- which is awesome!) so it's great to know people are taking the time to read my blog. 

There are a few rules, to the award, including answering eleven questions set out by the person who nominated you, nominating eleven new bloggers, and creating eleven questions for them to answer. Oh, and of course you have to let them know they've been nominated!

Unfortunately, I don't have enough time right now to spend working on such detailed posts. I can't give them questions the attention they deserve at the moment. I want to say a gianormous thank you to Jessie and Emily for the blog love though!  You ladies have lovely blogs, I check for updates everyday! It brought a smile to my face to be nominated and if I get a chance in the next few days I'll be sure to work on the questions!

In the spirit of this award, I want to share a little blog love myself tonight. If you are looking for some new blogs to read you should check out these fantastic blogs. Seriously, do it now! If your name isn't on the list I probably haven't found you yet so leave me a link in the comments and I'll be sure to come visit!

Anyway, I must get back to enjoying the lake view (and my parents company!). Hope your weekends were filled with summer sunshine and fun as well, I'd love to hear all about them. 

I'll wrap this up with a few pictures I've been hoarding over the past few days. I've been slacking on posting as I take them, so here's pretty much a wrap up of my week. 

One of the cute summer dresses I promised to share a picture of last weekend.
Dress: H&M // Bag & Sunglasses: Ardene // Shoes: TOMS

We walked over the highway, it was cool and terrifying. Mostly terrifying, so of course I had to get a picture. 

I love graffiti when it's happy!  (This one says: Have a nice day!)

Another shot of Parliament Hill, have I mentioned I love it!?!?!

My favourite place. EVER.

The beautiful lake (and a giant version of me!)

Keep Smiling :) 


  1. looks like a gr8 time!!

    and yea it always takes me a few days to get readjusted and situated after taking a trip.

  2. Jessie nominated me too, and I happened to nominate you as well :) Love your blog!

  3. Congrats on the award!

    Stop by and say hi sometime!

  4. Hi Kim!

    Thanks so much for putting my blog on your list! I'm so honored and flattered!

    I love the pictures you posted, specially the last one with the "giant version of you". I just adore lakes! The pic of Parliament Hill is beautiful too!

    1. You totally deserved it! You've got a great blog :)

  5. For starters congratulations on your nominations! Secondly, thank you so much for nominating me and including my blog on your list. And the lake looks beautiful!

    1. No problem! You've got a fantastic blog I had to share it :)

  6. Glad to hear you had such a fantastic time on your little vacation. But really, how does three weeks worth of clothes fit in to two small bags? It's just doesn't seem possible for me. I do hope you'll continue writing.


Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo