Wednesday 18 July 2012

Tales from the Cottage

My Dad has been blogging for a few years now, his main blog The Cottage Chronicles is where he shares stories about his adventures at our cottage on a small lake near our home in NS. 

I cannot wait to get to the cottage during my visit home. It's been the place of many happy memories over the years, our own little piece of paradise. It's been hard since I've "grown up" to make time to get there as often as when I was a kid so I really value the time I do get to spend at the lake.

As a kid we spent hours swimming in the lake (or for me mostly waiting for the other kids to tire of swimming as I never was a great swimmer), playing in the woods, playing soccer on the beach and chasing minnows. They were wonderful carefree days often wrapped up with a cozy campfire shared with various camp neighbours. 

These days, there is a little more swimming on my part, and a little less minnow chasing but the campfires are as lovely as ever. It's nice having a little getaway with many of the comforts of home and having that uninterrupted time with my family. 

I am lucky to have a wonderful, supportive family and cherish the time we get to spend together. Without the distractions of city life we have made great memories during weekends at the camp. 

These pictures are a few years old, (yup, the guy in the middle is my Dad!) so when I'm home I'll have to be sure to take a few new ones when I'm home [in less than a week!]

What inspired my family stories today was a recent post on my Dad's blog about one of our family pets, a dog named Springer. It's been quite a few years since Springer passed away, but she still holds a special place in my heart and this post captures how lovely she was perfectly. I'll warn you it's a bit of a tear jerker (or it was for me anyway!) 

What do you love to do with your family? Do you have a special place or yearly traditions to celebrate the summer months? 
Keep Smiling :) 


  1. my grandma has this little cottage seperate from her house that she calls her little "quilt house" where she does all of her crafts. my brothers and sisters would road trip to canada every year and always thought cottage was the greatest thing ever. it always smelt the same, looked the same, and had the best memories :)

    xo, samantha

  2. I would love to have a place like this to hang out during the summer time. I bet you have the best memories! We never really did much during the summer. Just maybe a vacation here and there. I would love to start a tradition with my own kids though. I want them to look back on their lives and remember special times.


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  3. Nothing beats being back home... now that me and my younger bro are out of the house and living in different states (I'm in MN and he's in GA) - when we get together back home in WI it doesn't matter what we do... just that we're together :)



Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo