Thursday 10 July 2014

Feeling Happy

Linking up with Kristin for Stuff & Things (seriously, YouTube Rick saying it on The Walking Dead- it's awesome). 

Things have started calming down around here and I'm feeling exhausted but also just happy and light. It's funny how you can be oblivious to how stressed out you've been until the stress is lifted! 

I know this is cheesy, I just couldn't resist! 
I'm happy because... 

I finally made a decision on some work drama; I had been considering leaving my current job as it will be changing in the fall but I decided (and confirmed with my Supervisor) that I'll be sticking around for a while. 

I slept for 13 hours Monday night. I came home, ate dinner and passed out!  That has never happened before. I think it might have something to do with the decision to keep my job, rather than enter into the land of the unknown. 

I received some lovely mail from Sarah at Life of Love. Her #GratitudeAttitude project is amazing and I am so excited to send a little love out to someone in my life. She sent me one card, but I might just pull out a few of my own and send a pile of mail out - I'm feeling inspired! 
How could this not brighten my week? I mean seriously, check out how fancy my name is on the envelope! 
Speaking of loveliness in the blog world, I've had two wonderful ladies join me to share their awesomeness in a blogger spotlight post. I am thrilled to see this project start to grow and hope it will continue to do so. 

In the middle of a huge summer rain storm, Jay & I decided first to go for a walk and then quickly changed our plans and walked around the block splashing each other in puddles. I'm sure we looked ridiculous to our neighbours, but it was so good to have a few silly minutes with my husband. Life has been too serious lately. 

One more thing that's keeping this silly smile plastered on my face was having 'High Tea' with the girls I used to babysit and their mom to celebrate the wedding. We'd been planning it for a few months so it was lovely to dress up and act fancy in the fanciest hotel in Ottawa. 

What's keeping a smile on your face during these (hopefully) sunny summer days? I'd love to hear about it! 

Keep Smiling :) 


  1. I've never done high tea, but it's on my list. It seems fun!

    Stopping by from the link up.

  2. I always forget how long your hair used to be!!

  3. Job-contentment is a great feeling. Always leads to better sleep!


Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo