Wednesday 10 September 2014

I'm Pretty Much Awesome (& So Are You!)

Today's Challenge is to "List 10 things that you love about yourself! Let's kick that negative self-talk outta here!"

[1] I love to laugh. I laugh at everything (funny or not) I just can't help myself. 

[2] I (usually) have a positive attitude, I like to see the bright side of things.

[3] I smell delicious (ok, this is only true for the 4 days a week I actually shower). But when I do shower, I think I do smell pretty good, thank you Body Shop for that. 

[4] I give everything 100%. Try as I might I don't know how to just do something half-way, I am an all or nothing kind of girl. 

[5] I'm not afraid to show people I care. I remember birthdays. I send cute (in my opinion) notes in the mail. I give awesome hugs and high fives. 

[6] I like to do dishes (and I suppose generally keep our house running). 

[7] I tell wicked good jokes. For example, "What did the girl melon say when the boy melon proposed marriage? Yes, but we cantaloupe" Get it, Can't Elope? Like the melon?!?!?

[8] I like vegetables. 

[9] I have huge eyes. No joke, they take up most of my face, but they are my favourite feature! 

[10] I can make delicious chocolate bark, or so I've been told. To be fair it's not really hard, you melt chocolate, add peppermint, sprinkle pretzels, candy cane and other treats, put it in the fridge and then eat! Go make some, NOW. 

[11] I surround myself with people who love to make ridiculous faces just as much as I do, which I can then share with the internet. So thanks lovely face makers! 

It is so hard to really come up with 10 reasons, especially ones we are willing to share without feeling "braggy" which is partially why I joked so much while making my list. The other reason I joked so much is because I can't help myself, I am terribly sarcastic. 

But, honestly please get "braggy" and let me know what makes you awesome. Or if you don't want to share, at least make a list for yourself. Then get that list tattooed on your forehead so you never forget. Because, YOU ARE AWESOME and that dear friends is no joke. 

Brave Love Blog 

Keep Smiling :)


  1. Yeah. I'd agree! You're pretty awesome! (I promise I'm replying to your email soon. Work was INSANITY yesterday. Sheesh).

  2. Vegetables are so good! I don't understand people who don't like them, hah.


Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo