Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Ready To Hear My Voice?

The weirdest part of blogland can be the relationships. We know so much about each other yet often have never heard each other speak. There are so many bloggers I feel close to, yet I have rarely, if ever actually heard the sound of their voice. 

Today's prompt was to "Be brave: make a vlog!" and I love the idea but just don't have the time or energy this week to remember how I did it before, so you will have to just enjoy these random vlogs (that's a video blog- bit of an inside joke) from a few years ago. 

I have tried and tried and tried to embed the first EVER Vlog (that's a video blog!) into this post but YouTube is not having it. You can watch it on YouTube here if you like. 

I also can't get my third vlog (that's a video blog!) to embed, so you can also watch that one on YouTube if you aren't sick of me yet. 

This one isn't quite a vlog (that's a video blog!) but it's me and my sister dancing to Aaron Carter so still worth a laugh, in my humble opinion. 

Can't wait to see all the new vlogs floating around blogland today, and to finally hear your voice!!! If you aren't participating in Blog-tember but have made vlogs before, please point me in the right direction! 

Brave Love Blog
Keep Smiling :) 


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Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo