Saturday 13 September 2014

The Proposal

Today's challenge is to share "Your current relationship status. If dating/married, give us a glimpse of your story! If single, share about this special season."

As you've probably gathered from my many posts on the subject, I am a newlywed. Almost 5 months ago (quit counting months, it was April!) Jay and I got married after 5.5 years together. 

I've shared plenty about this lovely man, but if you want to learn more about our relationship you can read about our chance first encounters here and our hilariously awkward first kiss story here (spoiler: I wasn't sure if it happened!!!).

I have shared bits and pieces about the proposal but don't think I've ever actually shared how it went down. Basically, it was the day after Jay's birthday and we were in Kingston, Ontario for a concert by our mutual favourite artist (Joel Plaskett). It was rainy, so after we arrived I tried to whine my way out of going to wander the streets, something I usually LOVE to do in Kingston. 

Jay was insistent though and finally I agreed to go, just for a short walk. He takes me into this gorgeous waterfront park, where we'd spent many days. I was kind of walking ahead and noticed he was lagging behind, so being the loving girlfriend I am I turned around and said something to the effect of "hurry up, it's raining and I want to watch TV."

Then, I saw the ring box and burst into tears. 

He spoke, said a whole bunch of really nice things. None of which I heard or remember. I was hysterically happy. 

Eventually I calmed down a bit, and then became very preoccupied with if he had asked my dad (which we'd always planned for), as I couldn't figure out when he would have had a chance. But, the day before he had called and spoke to my parents. I spent the next hour on the phone and leaving emotional voicemails. 

I always knew we would get engaged and married but I had kind of expected to wait a few more years for the ring. He completely surprised me. 

The original ring (yes, I got two but I'll explain that another time), was his mother's engagement ring (she eventually got a replacement) which he had gotten a jeweller to modify, by replacing the diamond with a sapphire as I had always said I wanted a gemstone ring. He had also gotten the ring resized, to a size 12, so I couldn't wear it for a while. 

It's hard to tell from this photo, but the band was WAY too big for me.
We celebrated with dinner at our favourite pub in Kingston (like a good grown up I had chicken fingers and fries) and then we loved our lives at the Joel Plaskett Show. 

It's worth mentioning that within a weekend of getting the ring sized I was playing with it on the couch, got it stuck under the cushions some how and had to wait a week for Jay, who was away for work to get home, flip over the couch, cut the underneath fabric and dig around for the ring. It was a bit of a mess. 

I could go on and on about how wonderful Jay is, and how truly blessed I am to have him in my life, but I think I've said enough. If you are interested in reading all the mushy details check out the links above! 

Brave Love Blog

Keep Smiling :)


  1. I'm a fan of gemstone rings, too. And I'm also on my 2nd engagement ring from the same husband. And my ring was rather big when he first gave it to me but I wore it anyways of course and it's a miracle I didn't lose it. It's cool that he surprised you with the timing of the proposal!

  2. Love your post! Why am I not surprised by the 'cutting the settee to pieces' that your happiness just shines through!!

  3. This is the sweetest ever! I love gemstone rings (especially sapphire!) Now I'm dying to know the story of the 2 rings!! I was waiting....uhm...quite a while for a ring (and I knew he HAD it, which was torture...we're talking about 2 years). So I was a wee bit obnoxious about making sure he knew my ring size (he'd given me other rings in the past and they'd always fit, so I don't know what my drama was about).


Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo