Sunday 14 September 2014

Why I'm Here

Today's Blog-tember Challenge, "When did you start blogging and why?"

I started this blog in August, 2011. On a couch in my parent's basement, just days before Jay and I were preparing to move from Halifax to Ottawa. 

Circa September 2011: After painting our entire apartment since we had NO furniture for a week. 
My dad had been blogging for years, and had always said I'd like it but until the move I couldn't really see a need for me to do it. I quickly realized I wanted a way to keep in touch with everyone we were leaving in Halifax though and thus, Kimberley's Quests was born. 

The name is a clever play on words, my first name and then an old summer camp nickname (Quest). 

My blog just celebrated it's third birthday at the end of August, I am shocked I've lasted this long. I have tried to quit but the lovely people I've met and the need for an outlet has led to me continuing to write. 

Oddly enough, I started writing for friends and family at home, but now I hardly ever share my posts with them (though a few awesome people continue to find and follow along on a regular basis). I now write for a combination of the blogland audience and for myself, depending on my mood that day! 

Why do you blog? When did you start? What's your favourite part of the blog? 

Keep Smiling :) 

p.s. still linking up with Bailey Jean, just can't get the blog button to get play nice with Blogger this week. 


  1. I'm so glad you've stuck with it! And what an adorable photo, for realsy!!

  2. I'm always intrigued by why people start blogging! It's so interesting because everyone has different reasons! I started blogging initially because everyone told me a writer should have a blog, but then I fell in love with it and do it because it's fun and helps me connect with people around the world!

  3. I also started blogging because of being far away from my family...and because I was just finished with college and suddenly actually wanted to write for fun since I didn't have to write essays all the time anymore!


Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo