Friday 10 October 2014

Kindness Counts Volume 2

Happy Friday Friends!

I'm back with another thrilling instalment of Kindness Counts Fridays. If you have no idea what I'm talking about you can find out here.

I have to be honest, this week I think was a bit of an epic fail (can you have a bit of an epic fail, I feel like that's not possible??!?). Anyway, I was feeling sick and grouchy and as a result was more focused on myself rather than helping others.

I think that's part of the process though, being kind sometimes takes work.

There were a few little things I did that hopefully made a little difference.

+ I comforted a child who was having a really bad morning, and together we found a way for her to turn the day around!

+ I was REALLY mindful of those thank you's this week. I made sure to thank the Doctor, Pharmacist, Nurse, and everyone else I encountered during my week of sickness.

+ I reached out to a friend I haven't heard from in a while, and their response brightened my day. I'm hoping that it was mutually beneficial.

+ I continued my donating streak, there are three more bags of stuff to be donated. I was struck by the idea to donate my old work clothes to Dress For Success, rather than just to the thrift shop. It seems like that might have a more immediate impact for someone.

Ok, let's try this link up business again!

The rules are simple:

-> Do kind things

-> Witness kind acts

-> Post (a little or a lot) about them. I'm happy to have you link up a post that has little bit about Kindness even if the theme of the post is something different (ex. 5 on Friday posts)!

-> Link it up

-> If you tweet or Instagram use #kindnesscountsfridays

-> Feel free to use the photo above in your post, I haven't quite mastered grab buttons yet- but I'm working on it. 

If it is not showing your link, let me know and I will add it myself! I am still figuring out this link up business! The link-up is open until Monday night so you've still got the weekend to do some good deeds. 

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! 

Keep Smiling :) 


  1. Sorry to hear you've been ill...hoping you're recovering's amazing, isn't it, how much more kind we can be, just with a few adjustments....if only everyone made the conscious effort to move around their day with an attitude of kindness.......

  2. I think this is a wonderful project that you've started here. It's good to keep in mind that you must be kind to yourself, too! I hope you were able to do that during your week of sickness (I'm under the weather at the moment, as well, and am taking it easy and listening to my body).


Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo