Thursday 9 October 2014

The Power Of Thanks

I've been blogging a lot lately about kindness and it's something that is always on my mind. I just believe in the importance of being kind and in making people feel cared for and appreciated.

I'm sure you are waiting for a point... don't worry I've got one for you.

I work in a school, with kids, and families. I interact with a lot of people daily and try my best to build some sort of friendly relationship with them.

One night as I was leaving a bunch of kids walked with me to the door, but their parents weren't with them so I told them to hold up until their parents caught up- so I'm standing there chatting with the kiddos for a few minutes, then a group of parents (about 6) come up, see me holding the door and just walk through without saying anything to me.


It was like I was invisible.

I'll admit I'm overly sensitive at times, but this isn't the type of thing that usually bothers me. I mean, I teach 4 year olds- I'm used to not hearing please and thank you.

But... to have adults, that I know, completely ignore me as I did something kind for them (I could have left minutes earlier), was just a little crushing.

It put me into a funk. 

Is it really that hard to say thank you?

Does my job really matter so little that people can't be bothered to acknowledge me? 

This was a few weeks ago, and although I'm not quite as angry anymore I  am still shocked and disappointed that this could happen.

It has made me more mindful of my own actions, I am being very intentional with my manners lately. 

Have you had any instances lately where someone forgot their manners? How did you handle it? 

Keep Smiling :) 


  1. Oh girl, I feel you. There are definitely instances in my life where the only thing I want is a simple thank you. I feel like it would go a long way in some of my relationships. (Vague and complicated I know.). I am definitely cognizant about whether or not people say thank you... and I try to be thankful.

  2. This kind of thing really really REALLY bothers me. Entitlement. People coming across like they're better than others and are above manners. You're a better person than me. In those situations I go "oh, thank you" and reply to myself "You're very welcome." Loud enough for the rude people to hear.

  3. Oh goodness, that's really shocking....*especially* when there were children around (they learn everything from the adults around them)....I, also, tend to go the 'saying thank you myself out loud' route when people do this, and then if they reply, tell them it only takes a few seconds to say 'thank you' and explain that it would make them feel a whole lot better to do it (yeah, I'm *that* annoying person!).....a personal pet hate is when shopkeepers put your change on the counter, and don't hand it to you in your really makes me seethe....don't have a remedy for this one, as yet, because I know if I said anything, I'd be 'angry lady'....

    1. I agree with iwillbloom, store clerks who lay your change on the counter instead of passing it to you, as well as the the ones who cannot count the change out, just hand you back the money. Makes me angry.


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