Wednesday, 7 January 2015

A Word For 2015

Well, hello.

Long time no talk lovely friends. I hope the holidays treated you wonderfully and that 2015 has started off awesome!

I am not sure if I'm back for good, but I just read Helen's Guiding Word For 2015 post and it started so many thoughts rushing around my head I felt like I needed to get them out!

The past few months have been hard, and frustrating. There is no good reason for that, no big issue, personal trial, health problem or drama. No cause. I just fell so far into the rabbit hole that getting out became harder and harder. 

I need a change, I need to make things better. I need to make me better. This poor me, whiny, pathetic attitude has to get lost!

The idea is basically to think of a word to guide your year. I've got a few words bouncing around that might do the trick.

Patience is one that I could certainly use more of. It's funny how something so simple can have such a big impact. I have been running short of patience lately, letting little things get under my skin where a few deep breaths could probably have solved the problems.

Change is another possible word, as 2015 promises to hold big changes for Jay & I. We are about to take a big hairy leap (I'm not sure why the leap is hairy here) into the unknown.

Kindness. I have blogged quite often about kindness, and the more I did the more I became aware of moments where I could be kinder, where I could do more

Attitude could probably cover all my goals, if I can control my attitude, patience, kindness and change should come easier. 

I think that's it. Attitude. I'll just add a few asterisks underneath to cover the many layers of to my focus. 

Maybe I'm missing the point? 
Keep Smiling :)

p.s. I considered adding or creating a photo to go with this and then I decided that just wasn't happening today. Maybe my word(s) should have been #rulebreaker or #nophotonofilter. Yup, that just happened. 


  1. Audible intake of breath and momentary frustration when my hand couldn't click open your post quick enough....YOU'RE BACK.....(even if it's just for this one post!).....!!!! Hurrah!!!! Attitude, girl, attitude: you're gonna need it when dealing with the Big Hairy Leap Monster (who always appears more frightening than he actually is!).......*so* good to see a post from you - atta girl xxxxx

  2. I definitely could use some more patience and should be more aware of my attitude more often... Thanks for the reminder. :) I can't choose just one word... so you totally get a pass in my book. ;)

  3. I could use some patience too. I'm trying. It's been easier to come by since I quit working with kids, I'll say. I could apply patience to other areas of my life though. I used to be a person who was so allergic to change--but now it's something I welcome with open arms. Good luck friend <3


Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo