Sunday, 16 March 2014

200 Posts!

I'm not sure whether to be impressed that I've written 200 posts, or appalled that I've spent enough time on the internet to write 200 posts mostly about myself. This blog has been a labour of love sometimes, and other times felt like a second (and unwanted) full-time job. Most importantly though it's allowed us to share tidbits about our life with our loved ones easily. 

The best *and most predictable* way to celebrate this blogging milestone is to recap a few of my favourite posts. Oh, and with an entirely new blog design, of course.

This post from my first week of blogging was written from a hotel during our road trip move to Ottawa, two and a half years ago. We we're so young back then! 

There was a time when I promised to post VLOGS (that's a video blog! haha), all the time. In two and half years I've successfully posted 4, and then completely given up. But maybe someday I'll get up the patience to make another! This is one of the better VLOGS I've posted. For good measure here's another VLOG that I was pretty pleased with.

This post, part of my 'Quest For Happiness' back in 2012 when I blogged every day for the whole month about things that made me happy is literally just me making ridiculous faces. I really should have pursued a career in modelling! Enjoy!

I was nominated for The Leibster Award in 2012, by three lovely ladies who have all given up their blogs (at least temporarily). The nomination came just as I was starting to try and share my blog with a wider world than just my Facebook page. I remember squealing with delight when I had my first "stranger comment." Seriously, it was big news. 

I've rarely posted DIY projects, mostly because DIY-ing takes enough of my energy I can't manage to successful complete a project and document it at the same time. An exception to this was these simple and adorable homemade crayons

I met Hilary Duff in high school and the excitement has still not entirely worn off. Here I posted about my various celebrity meet-ups, most of which happened before I turned twenty and realized it's weird to be idolizing strangers. 

This throwback post on my favourite things from the '90's. Anytime I can look back on my love of the Spice Girls & Barbie is a good time for me. 

This 2013 reflection post was one of my less rambling posts, and managed to cover many of the best moments of 2013 for us! 

I've written a few more serious posts, that I am proud of but that are a little different than my usual day to day stories. This post about Child Soldiers is probably the post I spent the greatest amount of time writing and perfecting. I also posted about Ghandi's Fundamentals For Changing The World and must admit I'd forgotten about them but will try to reincorporate them into my daily life. 

This is longer than I intended, it's hard to sift through so many posts especially when they aren't all very well categorized. I have learned a lot through the process of blogging and I have truly enjoyed reading the blogs of others it's amazing how connected a few posts can make you feel. 

Thanks for sticking by me through my first 200 posts, hopefully the next 200 will continue getting better and better! 

Update: I'm linking this post up with the lovely Meg at Life Of Meg for Mingle Monday, if you stopped by from the link-up please leave some love so I can check your blog out! 

Keep Smiling :) 


  1. I love the new template. I also love your blog, it's always worth a read.

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I'm highly curious if you are my dear old dad leaving sneaky anonymous comments as he's been known to do!

  2. I'm visiting for the first time through the linkup, and I love it! Great look on the blog, great content. I'm excited to read more :)

    1. Thanks! Glad you stopped by!! Link-up's are awesome!


Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo