Thursday, 13 March 2014

A Letter To 19-Year-Old Me (Part 1)

I'm in full-blown 'Quarter-Life Crisis' mode right now, and it's sending me into a panic. This seems a much more reasonable way to get my thoughts across than my previously written & deleted rant of panic! 

Dear 19-Year-Old Me, 

A few things I wish you'd known sooner,

Dance More: Go out with your friends more often, drinking and dancing don't have to be synonymous, go out just to dance and save your drink money for.... your future wedding. 

Say Yes: Camping, yoga, ice cream, road trips, study dates, hockey games, etc. If someone asks and it's not illegal say yes! Try new things, meet new people, get out there! You're only going to be this young once so don't waste it acting like an old lady!  

Make time for moments like these. 
Save Money: Jobs, Scholarships, Students Loans, you've got lots of cash right now try and save just a little for when you get older. Have an emergency fund for when you quit the crappy jobs, or the school year ends but also save some longterm for retirement/home buying/wedding/etc. 

Take Nothing For Granted: Thank your dad for his health plan, be glad to see your friends, appreciate every extra blanket, left-over dinner or drive home your parents/friends/friends' parents give. Your snotty approach to saying "Thank You" is not appreciated. 

Go To Camp Every Summer: Yes, spending the summer across the country is a scary move, but it's worth it. If you had gone the first summer you intended to, you could have easily spent 3 or 4 summers working in the mountains rather than just one. You might even meet the lovely Flippy earlier!

Live this adventure as long as you can!
Apartment VS. Car: Both weren't an option but skip the car and get an apartment. If you live close to school you can walk, take the bus, or hop in a cab anywhere you need to go. Being close to school means less missed parties at The Gorsebrook, less rushing home from football games and more time to soak up the atmosphere you love at SMU. Bonus: Apartments don't have Alternators that can die on dark nights downtown! 

Go To Australia: When you look into a semester abroad and the advisors make it seem impossible or like it will "mess up" your graduation timeline... go anyway. Just go, hold a Koala and make it work. It's not as complicated as it seems, you can figure it out. Summer classes won't ruin your life, especially the online variety! 

Trust Your Friends: Sure, there's some stuff you need to work out on the home front, but trust your friends to have your back and start making the changes you know you need. Pulling away from your friends and procrastinating for years was good for no one. Your friends will stand by you either way, but try communicating a little better. You can be quite a snot when you want to be. 

You need these outrageous laugh fests to get you through,
don't give up on them.

I could go on and on, but this is surely long enough! I've got another post coming reflecting on the choices I made when I was younger that actually worked out for the best.

What advice would you give yourself at 19? 

Keep Smiling :) 


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