Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Body Shop Obsession

I have rarely, if ever, posted anything about what beauty products I use, like or enjoy. That's mostly because I basically have no "beauty routine." Some days pushing my fingers through my hair is enough for me! 

Thanks to a few $15 off coupons from The Body Shop, I now have a cupboard full of body wash, loofah's and face creams. Combined with the before Christmas buy-3, get-3 free sale I stocked up and gave a tonne of stuff for presents without breaking my bank account. 

I will admit aside from the fact the products work for me, I like the ideals promoted by The Body Shop, fair-trade, sustainability, against animal testing. I did recently learn that The Body Shop is actually owned by L'Oreal a company that has more questionable ideals, but what I read makes me cautiously optimistic that the partnership will lead to positive changes. End Rant. 

Ok, onto some of my favourite products.

 Satsuma Body Mist 

Jay's Momma gave me some of this for Christmas a couple of years ago, and although I don't wear body mist or perfume often, every once and a while I use a little of this. It's also great to add a little freshness to my hair and sometimes I spray it in the air just because. I love the whole Satsuma line so no surprise this is a win in my books. 

Strawberry Shower Gel 

Strawberry is probably one of my least favourite scents from The Body Shop, only because it's a little overpowering. I always forget these feelings though when I get in the store and realize I can get all that shower gel for $10 or less. I don't dislike it enough not to use it, but I mix it up using pomegranate or blueberry on occasion! But, honestly, shower gel with a pump- how much easy can life get?

 Tea Tree Oil 

I am a recent convert to the amazing uses for tea tree oil! Teaching Kindergarten the dreaded head lice is always a concern. This year I learned that a little tea tree oil & water sprayed on your hair can help keep the lice away. So far, so good *knocks wood.* Another perk, my hair has never been so soft or healthy, especially during the winter. 

 Tea Tree Oil Skin Clearing Face Wash 
Another tea tree oil product, I never really gave this a fair shake as a face wash. I use it sporadically at best on my face, but I use it pretty regularly as body wash. Since I don't use it as per directed the results aren't measurable but it certainly isn't making things worse!

Vitamin E Eye Cream
This stuff usually retails for about $18CAD and I can honestly say I've never spent that much on anything related to make up before. I read the reviews and spoke to a consultant in store, and with a sale, decided to give it a try. I wouldn't say it's entirely rid my eyes of dark circles, but without changing any other aspects of my life it does do a pretty good job at making me look less like a zombie. I like it enough to have bought three more bottles on sale, so I'd say it's a good product if you've tried cheaper alternatives with no success. [Prior to this I tried under eye rollers by Aveeno and two different ones made by Garnier]. 

**these opinions are my own, based on products I actually use; I was not paid or asked to write about The Body Shop.
 Images used are courtesy of The Body Shop**

What are some beauty products you love? Do you share my obsession with The Body Shop or have another go-to store or brand? 

Keep Smiling :) 


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