Tuesday 24 June 2014

Ten On Tuesday 06.24.14

[1] I'm not into the World Cup at all. I want to be as excited as everyone else but I just can't find the enthusiasm.

[2] I love Iggy Azelea. 

[3] We're re-watching House on Netflix and though he's a totally ass he has some pretty good one liners. Jay is always asking what I'm laughing at, apparently he doesn't find it quite as comical! 
[4] I turn 26 in mere days. I think I'm ready, but at the same time I can't believe how old I'm getting? Where did being 19 go? 
How I feel every time I mention my birthday, I just can't help myself!
[5] I'm so glad I'm not 19 anymore. 

[6] I mixed avocado and mango together as a salad and ate it for lunch everyday, it was surprisingly delicious. Probably not news, but I'm not a big fan of avocado normally so I was pleasantly surprised!  

[7] I'm re-reading Harry Potter. I know it's written for youngin's but it is just so well written. I know what's coming next and yet I can't turn away. 

[8] I'm terrible at Tweeting. and Instagram. Terrible. I know it's part of how this whole blog thing works but I don't have a phone that supports either and spend little time doing cool things in the vicinity of my laptop! 

[9] I spent two years disliking maxi dresses and skirts. I just didn't really understand them, and had no idea how to pull it off and now I am in love. They are so comfy and look so much classier than sweatpants! Love. Love. Love. 

[10] I launched a new blog project yesterday *read about it here* but if you're interested I'm open to having guest posts (any topic, any time) or doing blogger spotlights on you and your blog! I just love the idea of sharing a little blog love and what better way then to showcase your wonderful talents! If you're interested please let me know! 

Linking up with the wonderful Alyssa for Ten On Tuesday! 

Keep Smiling :) 


  1. Right there with ya, I wish I could be more invested in the World Cup, but I just can't bring myself to care! Happy birthday next week!

  2. 1. Meh. I watched a few minutes of it with Chris and that was it.
    3. Get out! We just started rewatching House too! We're taking a break now for Game of Thrones but we'll get back to it!
    4. Hahaha. 26 isn't so bad.
    9. Maxi dresses are the bomb! Any outfit I can wear that doesn't require me to shave my legs and ISN'T pants is a win in my book.
    Glad you linked up!

    1. Exactly- It was so hot here last week and I realized too late I didn't shave, threw on a dress and got to be lazy and everyone complimented it- best day ever!

  3. THANK YOU. I don't give two poops about the World Cup... wish I did but I just can't find it exciting. Happy Tuesday!

    1. Yay! I'm so happy out I'm not the only non-soccer fanatic!


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