Wednesday 25 June 2014

Why I Gave My Wedding Dress Away (2 Weeks After The Wedding)

So, as I've mentioned just a few dozen times- Jay & I got married at the end of April. You can read more about it here and here.

I decided before I ever bought my dress that I didn't want to spend a crazy amount of money on it, as I went a little overboard with my twelfth grade prom dress and didn't want a repeat of that. I also decided that I would find a place to donate my dress following the wedding.

With a few internet searches I found the perfect organization to accept my loved dress, The Valley Cinderella Project. They're work specifically to help match women in the military or with spouses in the military with gowns for special events, including of course, weddings! Best of all, dresses are given FREE of charge which was a key factor for me in choosing where to donate it.

Two weeks, almost to the hour from the day Jay & I said "I Do" I loaded my well-travelled dress into the car, and dropped it off to the coordinator of the program.

I'd be lying if I didn't admit a little emotional, I thought I had completely accepted this choice but when I walked out without it, I felt a twinge of remorse. Knowing that instead of sitting in my closet for the next sixty years it might help get another bride down the aisle helped me bounce back quickly.

I'm not completely without nostalgia, we kept my veil, sash, bouquet and some of Jay's stuff for a shadow box of memories. For us, keeping the dress just wasn't the right choice. 

In case you need more convincing on why it was the right choice for me, or why it might work for you, a blogland favourite, a convincing list for you. 

Photos courtesy of our lovely photographer, check her out here
Five Reasons For Donating A Dress So Soon After The Wedding

1) It is still in style. Most programs accepting donations place a cap of about 5 years on dress donations, as styles can change dramatically and if not properly stored 5 years can be quite hard on a dress. Donating it soon after the wedding ensures it is an "in style" option for the next bride.

2) I don't have to store it. We live in a tiny apartment, storing the dress for 8 months prior to the wedding was enough hassle, the thought of keeping it indefinitely was stressful! 

3) It gets a second chance. My wedding day was lovely, and the dress was comfortable (and beautiful in my humble opinion!) but the opportunities to wear a wedding dress a second time are limited so this way my dress gets a second chance at love!

4) It helps close the chapter. Sure, this reason is a little sad, but the days after the wedding were emotionally charged. Donating the dress helped created some positive feelings during a bittersweet time, and started the motions towards "regular" life again.

5) It feels good to help. Weddings are expensive and in a way self-serving, (exceptions of course exist!) but this creates an opportunity to do something kind for someone else, as part of the wedding! 

Would you donate your dress? If you're married, what did you do with you dress after the wedding? 

Linking up with Belle in Boots & Little Bit of Class for Wedding Wednesday! 

Keep Smiling :) 

Disclaimer: I am throwing no-shade at any of you lovely ladies who kept or plan to keep your wedding dress. The wonderful thing about weddings is that they are completely personal and the choices related to them are entirely our own! 


  1. What a sweet idea! I've thought about what I'll do after the wedding is over and I don't foresee me keeping it (long gone are the days when girls wear their mother's dresses). I've thought about selling, but never thought about donating!

  2. This is such a great idea! I should really think about donating all of the prom/homecoming dresses I have sitting in my mom's basement!

  3. Wow you are an incredible person. I have donated prom and bridesmaid dresses, but I'm too selfish to part with my wedding dress. You are wonderful for helping out someone's future day! Also, some drunk wedding guests spilled some wine on the bottom of my dress so I wouldn't want someone to deal with that! However, we live in a tiny apartment and it's just hanging in the hallway. Nice reminder, sure, but definitely in the way! I have to figure out storage pronto!

    Another reason that I won't donate mine is a tradition. Every year on my parents' anniversary my Mom puts on her dress (even when it won't zip all the way!), goes to find my Dad around the house, gives him and hug, and puts it back where she stores it in the house. It's a little silly, but completely adorable. They've been married almost 40 years! My sister does that, too, and I want to as well! haha

  4. I recently told my parents to donate my old debutante dress and high school pageant dress. I think we have some sort of Cinderella project in my hometown to help low-income girls get dresses for prom.

    But I'm keeping my wedding dress! It's not a typical wedding dress, so I can't imagine anyone wanting it. I actually might wear it to other non-wedding events, because it's short and only the white color is "bridal."

  5. I love this idea so much. Unfortunately my lace dress disintegrated at my wedding after walking through tal grass, dancing, etc.!

  6. This is a great idea! Mine is still sitting in my mom's closet- it lasted longer than my marriage ;) Better get on that donating!!


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