Tuesday, 11 October 2011

WHAT?!?!? Kim Kardashian Got Married? I had no idea!

--> Greetings Earthlings,

I hope everyone is recovering from the turkey induced slumber of the long weekend. I had a lovely thanksgiving weekend, thanks for asking. Jokes!

Jason and I went for a long and epic hike at Mer Bleue, it was not delightful. Ok, correction being outside in a t-shirt and wishing for shorts in October is delightful. Hanging out with Jason and breathing fresh air is delightful. Wandering through the woods on unmarked paths that don't lead where the hiking book suggests they do, not delightful. Taking four completely wrong paths for kilometres at a time and then backtracking repeatedly, not delightful. Still it was a gorgeous sunny day, at least 25 Celsius, so being outside was a must and as much as I protest I do love a good hike!

When we got home I tried my hand at another round of baking, this time I tried baking a chocolate and vanilla marble loaf from the “Book of Horrors” baking cookbook Kathryn gave me before my departure. Shockingly enough it was a mostly successful venture. Not one to follow the recipe I of course chose to make muffins instead of loaf, they were a little dry but nothing caught fire and I mastered the marbling which was really the challenging part.

Sunday we walked to the Experimental Farm, about 20 minutes from out house. They grow all kinds of crops (corn, wheat, soy, barley, etc) but there isn't much of a walking path. It was again a sunny and hot day. Shorts in October is truly something I don't think I've done before. Fantastic! The day was topped off by a delicious turkey dinner with some of fellow displaced East Coasters. It's always fun to spend holidays with other people, it was like a less catastrophe filled episode of Friends. Yeah, I went there.

We also cleaned our spare bedroom, it's looking much more welcoming now :) Who knew there was actually a bed and floor space underneath all that crap?!?!? Not I that is for sure!

Monday was a lazy day, I did spend several hours baking and repairing Jason's 24 Birthday cake (He's old I know!!). Twas my first ever solo cake from scratch and aside from filling the pan way too full and having the cake erupt inside the oven and cracking down the middle it looks pretty fine. I'll get pictures of it once it's decorated :) I even made my own chocolate icing from scratch if you can believe it!?!?!

I hope you all had fantastic long weekends filled with turkey, pie, friends and family. I wish I could have been home to celebrate with all of you!

Aside from sharing Thanksgiving Love I did want to write to inquire with you my hopefully loyal readers as to if my past few blog posts have been actually worth reading. I feel totally ridiculous to say this but I lost my motivation to write when I stopped being flooded with comments and likes on facebook. Pathetic I know. I don't expect y'all to have something to say about all my posts or to even read all of them but I find it hard to keep writing when I think you aren't reading it.

If you read this one and can just let me know what I can do to make it more fun and fascinating for you that would be perfecto! After you give me an idea what to do to improve this you will be alleviated from your commenting duties :) Thanks in advance for feeding my ego. You can also do the conveniently placed quiz I've added if you want to protect your Super Villain Identity.

I know it's a little late but I can't resist the chance for a few corny thanksgiving jokes:
Why don't you let a turkey get near corn?
Because they will gobble, gobble, gobble it.
 What was the turkey suspected of?
Answer: Fowl play.
 What smells the best at a Thanksgiving dinner?
Answer: Your nose.

Keep Smiling :)

And now our feature presentation...
Kim's Cleverly Titled Book Review
I've decided since I can't seem to stop reading (the joys of riding the bus for an hour each day!) that I will add a book review to my blog, I want to talk about what I've read and it seems silly to mix it in with my regular ramblings.
I just finished The Time Traveler's Wife, it was incredible. It took me a few chapters to figure out the plot but once I got into it I couldn't bring myself to put it down. I almost missed my bus when it stopped right in front of me three days in a row, I was so absorbed (well that and the buses in Ottawa sneak right up on you).
I was in tears as I read the final 100 pages during my daily commute, I came home from work one day and said "hold me" and fell into Jason's arm a hot mess. The worst part is that was before I had actually finished it! Haha he didn't quite know what to do with me. Needless to say as I finished the book I only became more and more hysterical, I violently cried for a solid 15 minutes, it was impressive. Despite what may seem like a less than glowing review I loved this book, it held my attention and had many plot twists I didn't expect.
I found much of the wording crude and cringe-worthy, using vulgar terms did not endear me to the characters or the story but the story was good enough to make me look past the offensive language.
It's a straight up love story, when you strip away all the drama and I am nothing if not a fan of love stories. It has a fair deal of action and adventure though so even if you aren't a fan of the love story you might actually like this book.


  1. Ha Ha, great post. I enjoyed the book review, but I think I like the stories of your activities the best, I guess that is your witty commentary on life. The life of a blogger is a lonely one kiddo, and comments are often hard to come by, doesn't mean we aren't reading and re-reading your exciting stories.
    www.thecottagechronicles.com (shameless plug)

  2. No suggestions needed my dear girl!!!! Your stories are interesting and a little humor :) You are too cute!!! Always look forward to reading them.
    Love You

  3. I lavaaaaa youuuuu, and your blog, keep a writing.. When you post blog posts, make sure to say so on your facebook, so I can keep tracK... P.s it was like 25 degrees here turkey weekend as well! It was crazaaay
    Love Holly

  4. I always read your blogs, and then I read them to Matt. Don't stop writing them!

    I'm glad the cake is turning out well so far, make sure you post a picture when it's all done!


Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo