Friday, 4 November 2011

Lean on in, and let me bend your ear........

I know, it's still somehow been almost a full week since I last updated...I did start this Tuesday night but the week quickly rolled away from me. To keep it short and simple, I was a very cranky, whiny version of myself... Shocking I know! I am trying harder to update more often, I appreciate your patience and all the support and lovely comments :) Without further ado... onto my stories!
I typically try and keep my mushy thoughts to myself but this I feel compelled to share because it makes me so happy. November first was mine and Jay's third anniversary! I mean can anyone believe that he has put up with my foolishness for three years??! We put a lot of stock in getting to the three year mark, it feels much more legitimate to like each other this much after three years than after a week, month, or even six months.
I was remembering today when I told my dad about Jay for the first time, it was Remembrance day, ten days after we started dating and while we were waiting at the Cenotaph I decided to let my dad in on the secret! It was a little scary because literally the only rule my dad imposed on us growing up was "Don't date a military guy because then you'll have to move away."  

Jay had seemed like a safe bet, meeting him at SMU, and then on our second date he drops the bomb.. oh p.s. I'm in the army. He'd already tricked me into liking him by that point so it was too late to turn back. Now three years later, my dad's prediction was absolutely correct, I broke the rule and now I live in Ontario. But I get to spend everyday with pretty much the most awesome dude in the world, so the great rebellion was worth it.
Like I said I don't typically divulge great detail about Jason & I's relationship (at least I don't think I do!) but it had to be shared, it took a lot to get us to three years and I am so happy about it that it would be wrong to keep it a secret. He made me steak, smashed potatoes and vegetables for dinner- It was delicious! 
Our new table and anniversary dinner!
Onto Halloween: We had ZERO trick or treaters, a total letdown as I had bought 50 chocolate bars for the occasion. I was really hoping we'd get a couple at least but not one costumed kiddie knocked on the door. I am not a lover of halloween (it's just too scary for me!) but I do love handing out candy to trick or treaters :) Between not being in NS to give candy out at my Nans and then having no kiddies show up at the door here this Halloween was not my favourite!

Another fall tradition I am going to miss this year is going to the Remembrance Day ceremony with my dad, a pitfall of ignoring his rules I suppose. Since I was young my dad has always stood by my side (and for a brief interlude in our younger years, Julia's as well) in the November cold at the Cenotaph in Dartmouth. 

To make matters stranger, Remembrance Day isn't a real holiday in Ontario- kids go to school, businesses are open, it's not what one would expect in our nations capital. I suppose their are pros and cons to having Remembrance Day as a holiday compared to having students and workers carrying on business as usual. It's just an adjustment in thinking I suppose. No matter what you do or where you do it, be sure to take a few minutes to remember the sacrifices made by those who served.

Otherwise I am largely lacking in news, I haven't been baking or even cooking much. This week I am largely running on empty.... I could probably sleep from now until Sunday with breaks only to eat! I need to start exercising I think, build up my energy!

My Sens are taking a break from winning this week. They know it's only fair to share the glory, but don't worry they will be back on top in no time!

Keep Smiling :) 

All I do is read, read, read, no matter what! Got books on my mind I can't never give them up! Every time I step into the Library everybody's hands go up!

As mentioned in my last post, I tackled  Salem Fallsby Jodi Picoult this week. I've read quite a few of her books, and I must say that I enjoyed this book more than her more recent books. In the past few years her writing has become more and more predictable, by about page 50 you know how the story is going to play out. I was excited about the plot of this book, it's loosely based on The Crucible, (which many of you may remember from Grade 12 English!) but it started slow, I was about halfway through before I really cared about reading it. Picoult had a few two many characters stories weaving through the early pages of the novel. As it progressed minor characters viewpoints were woven in more seamlessly, but early on it was difficult to keep everyone straight! It had every thing I look for in a novel, romance, drama, a comfortable amount of suspense. Despite the rocky start I really enjoyed this novel, I liked that for a change I didn't know exactly what was going to happen next. I would love if Picoult would start writing like this again.


  1. Well Kimberley...Dad's rules and advice can be wrong sometimes.

    I will miss you this year at the Cenotaph, it won't be the same without you.

    You should tell your readers that they can buy Salem's Falls from Amazon.

    I love you. Even if you don't always do what I tell you.

    Happy 3 Years With A Military Guy Anniversary.



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