Saturday, 9 June 2012

Quest for Happiness [Day 9]

It's WestFest weekend here in Ottawa and we live right in the middle of it! About 10 minutes away from our house the streets are shut down and filled with vendor booths selling delicious treats and beverages. 

There is live music on every corner and different community members showcasing talents such as gymnastics, improv, and Elvis impersonation! It is like a perfect summer weekend on the Halifax Waterfront (minus the beautiful ocean backdrop!)

A part of my happiness today was obviously WestFest but looking at the bigger picture WestFest is just a small part. Looking for happiness in my pre-existing life is easier than I imagined when I started this project.

Considering we moved here with a very limited understanding of the city, no idea how transit worked, no plan for where I would work, and the list could go on, we managed (completely accidentally) to find an apartment in the perfect place! 

It was hard to get a good picture from street level
Jay has a short commute to work, when I was working my commute was similar, we are 10 minutes from two grocery stores, the library, and the nearest bus station. Aside from close proximity to basic necessities we also ended up in a great neighborhood. 

Nearly every weekend there is some kind of festival or event in the community, there are all kinds of independent business with delicious treats like poutine, doughnuts, tacos and cupcakes. It is also a fantastic place for walking, which we love. 

This picture sums up today: AWESOME!
So to wrap this up and let you get back to your exciting Saturday night plans (don't worry we don't have any either!) today what makes me happy is my new neighbourhood. 

I am dangerously close to fulfilling my goal of watching an entire TV series on Netflix so that I think is my project for the rest of the weekend! 

I'm off to watch old school Shania Twain videos on YouTube because really how can you not be happy listening to her catchy country twang and checking out that 1990's fashion! This is an amendment on an earlier ruling that only rap videos could be played on YouTube- it's that kind of night! If you need suggestions I recommend What Made You Say That and Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under but really it's all amazing!

Keep Smiling :)


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Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo