Monday 2 July 2012

Life Musings

"Life is the toughest teacher, because it gives the test before the lesson" -Unknown

This is one of my favourite quotes of all time. I feel it perfectly captures my feelings on life and it's challenges. 

Unrelated, but here we are at the Rideau Canal from last summer.
I love being prepared. I spend countless hours studying for tests, preparing for a new job, or planning my next life step. Despite my endless preparations life always has a surprise in store, challenging whatever plans I've made. 

This quote reminds me that despite the challenges I may face, there is always a lesson to learn. The events in my life, thus far, that have seemed most difficult are those that I have learned the most from. 

Luckily, today was lacking in serious life challenges. The last day of our long weekend was spent in the air conditioned glory of the movie theatre, watching The Avengers

Normally I am not a big comic book/action movie fan but this was a pretty fantastic movie. Ok, I'll be honest I did nap briefly in the middle but I don't think I missed much! Captain America is my favorite superhero, he is fierce and lacks the superhero gadgets the other guys have, which makes his talents all the more impressive.

It is back to babysitting tomorrow, I am looking forward to doing crafts and hanging out in the summer sun with two awesome kids! I hope this week holds nothing but laughter and happiness for you, and if a challenge presents itself remember there is a lesson to be learned.

Keep Smiling :)


  1. I seem to be learning lessons everyday. I wish it would stop, ignorance is so blissful.


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