Monday 30 June 2014

Blogger Spotlight: Sage The Blog

I've got something special for you today- my first blogger spotlight with the lovely Cassie from Sage the Blog! I am so excited to share her awesomeness with you, be sure to read all about her below and then go check out all her other fantastic posts! 

Hello Kimberley's Quests readers! I am so happy to be joining you all today. My name is Cassie and I blog over at Sage the Blog where I muse about faith, marriage, weddings, and other random bits. I'm a newlywed (as of a week ago) and a West Coast transplant living in the Midwest attending graduate school. I'm a pretty simple gal who enjoys food, wine, and the great outdoors! My husband, M, and I also have two cats that we post far too many photos of on social media (or maybe that is just me). I hope that you will stay a while!

What made you decide to start your blog?  
While I was living in Scotland studying abroad, and really discovering who I was, I read a lot of other blogs. I was fascinated by how encouraging some of these ladies were; how open they were about real life struggles. I was amazed at how close I felt to these women that I did not even know. Although I journaled, sharing my thoughts publicly never crossed my mind. I was an avid reader of multiple blogs for months and months until I finally decided this might be something I wanted to dive in to myself. It was a slow process and since starting my blog in March 2013 I have had many ups and downs, including shutting down my blog all together for nearly six months. If you would like you read more about why I initially started Sage, I would encourage you to read my very first post.

What's your favourite thing about blogging/being a blogger? 

The best part about blogging is BY FAR the people you meet. I have met some of the most wonderful women through being a blogger. Women that encourage me, share in my struggles, pray for me, and celebrate the little things with me. For example, I am currently doing a bible study with one of my blogging friends, Lauren. AND one of my blogging friends, Cassie, even recently attended my wedding (and I attended hers last year).

What do you find hardest about being a blogger? 

The most challenging aspect of being a blogger is not falling victim to comparison. I catch myself wondering why my blog isn't as successful as some of the others, or why people do not enjoy the posts I put much of my time in to. Comparison is the thief of joy, and if you do not watch it closely, the blogging world can be rife with opportunities for comparison. 

What's one thing you wish everyone knew about you? 

I wish everyone knew that I am imperfect. I totally believe in sharing my failures, struggles, and all the in between.

You're a fan of gluten free food, can you share your favourite recipe or gluten free snack idea? 

When I found out I had a gluten intolerance, I thought my life was ruined. After all, pizza and beer were my vice. Since becoming gluten free, I have learned that I do not have to completely cut out the things I enjoy! Often times there is a gluten free option or things can be modified accordingly! My favorite gluten free recipe is butternut squash and black bean enchiladas and my favorite snack is nut thins with cheese!

You've got an awesome 101 in 1001 list, what is the most exciting thing you've crossed off the list so far? 

Why thank you! I am biased but I would definitely say that celebrating our wedding with a content and faithful heart (#37) has been the most exciting thing I have crossed off so far!

Of what's left on the list, what are you most excited to do or accomplish? 

That is a tough one! I think visiting another country (#69) is what I am most excited about right now. We are traveling to Costa Rica in August for our honeymoon and I cannot wait to get out of the country with my husband for the first time!

What book, movie or song has had the greatest influence on you? 

I am a total book worm so I could probably name 100 books that have had a massive influence on me. However, within the last few years, I would have to say that "Enemies of the Heart" by Andy Stanley really shook me. It made me confront the dark parts of my heart and confront them head on. 

You recently married M, what is the best part of being married? 
You know, I recently talked about how I didn't expect things to change very much once we got married. After all, we have been living together for over a year.  However, things are different. I feel complete now and secure in a way that I never thought I would feel. It is truly the best feeling ever! I keep telling everyone I want to bottle up this feeling forever!

What is your favourite post from the last 3 months? 

Ten Things you Should NEVER Say to a Bride!

Do you have any suggestions for other great blogs to check out? 

I WANT TO SHARE ALL THE BLOGS WITH YOU GUYS! But if I had to pick three I would highly suggest Mr. Thomas and Me, Gin & Bare It, and Oak & Oats. For a full list of my favorite blogs see this post.

A HUGE thank you to Kimberley for having me today! Please stop by and see me some time. I hope that you will check out her Let's be Friends page!

Ok, so now you know what I know which is Cassie is awesome! So get on over to her blog and say hello! 

Keep Smiling :) 

Linking up with Molly for Funday Monday and Meg for Mingle Monday!


Thanks for taking the time to visit! You are awesome! xo